Gallery Suite
32m² / 2 명
- 대만 B corp Greenvines 천연바디 / 헤어워시제품
- 3살이하 (3살 포함) 아이와 함께하시면 이 객실을 쓰기에 적합하지 않습니다.
- 이 객실의 구성과 어메니티는「Hok Suite」와 같습니다.
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- 대만 다자인 브랜드 Meta Design의 조명시설
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- 미니 냉장고, 전기 포트, 다구
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- 분리된 화장실과 욕실, 비데
- 헤어 드라이어

Whose room (gallery suite):Fujibo’s room
“a thousand years ten thousand years room”
Feb 14th 2020 – Feb 28th 2023
Curated by:Fujibo(CōBō room)
Illustrator:Miyagi Chika
Events:Fujibo’s Fabric Weaving Indigo Workshop (Dec 9th, 2018)
Fujibo’s Reviving Old fabric in Blue Project (April 1st-June 30th, 2019)
“Whose room” is the most special room in Hok House. Every year, we invite an artist to move his/her own room into Hok House. To bring new perspective to everyday life and to challenge our relationship to the world.
This year, a natural indigo artist from Kyoto, Japan is ready to curate this special room, her name is Fujibo. In this room, she is trying to tell every guest in this room about the dyeing craft stories through her natural indigo works. Hope your mind can be relaxed and in peace with her work.
“Japanese pronunciation of 藍 indigo is the same as 愛 love(ai). But for me, 藍 indigo is even more gentle, more calm, more powerful and more generous than love. I wish you could stay in peace with this tender blue. Don’t try to be inspired, just breathe the blue air.” _ Fujibo